
Immigration Help Available at Pierce

A new immigration assistance service center at Pierce College has drawn about 100 inquiries since it opened at the Woodland Hills campus in late March.

“We get inquiries and walk-ins daily,” said Victoria van Tamelen-Hall, director of the college’s Citizenship Center. Similar immigration services also are provided at both Valley and Mission colleges.

Tamelen-Hall said most clients so far have sought assistance with the basic United States naturalization application, the INS form N-400. The center charges a $25 fee for help with filling out the application.


“We go over the application with them, type it up and check for errors,” Tamelen-Hall said. The center does not provide legal advice, but can refer clients to low-cost legal agencies.

A number of people have dropped in for last-minute tutorials and workshops to prepare for written citizenship examinations and oral interviews, required of all immigrants before citizenship can be granted, Tamelen-Hall said. Workshops, general information and referrals are free.

“Teachers are available, and we also have computer-aided tutorials for those who already have basic English skills,” Tamelen-Hall said. Fingerprinting and limited photocopying are also provided.


For more information, call (818) 719-6400, Ext. 400.
