
Study Set on Controls of Mobile Home Rents

Before deciding whether to enact rent control for mobile homes, the City Council decided to conduct a study to find out how much it will cost the city if controls are enacted.

The council instructed the city staff to research several cities in California that have rent controls for mobile home dwellers to see how much they spend administering the ordinance.

Council members said they have been buried with information, from both park owners and renters, showing contradictory information about the cost of instituting rent control since it first began considering passing a rent control ordinance.


Park owners claim such a measure would cost the taxpayers of the city millions of dollars between administrative costs and litigation that would likely occur.

Representatives from the residents’ side say there are more than a dozen cities in California that have a similar rent control ordinance that has only minimal costs.

Councilman Harry Dotson said once a study is complete, the council will vote on whether to begin rent controls.
