
Who Made Lamb Cityhood Expert?

* Re “South County Incorporated?” May 5:

Why did you decide that Michelle Lamb should be given such eminence in this article? Lamb is a latecomer to Rancho Santa Margarita. How did she become such an expert in such matters in such a short time?

Is she a college professor, financial expert or public administrator in the area of city incorporation? Has she served on the Local Agency Formation Commission, which is assigned the responsibility to review the data for city incorporation?

Has anyone at The Times asked Lamb how many people she represents within her own community--or was that not important to the anointing that has occurred with being pictured on the front page of The Times?


The article also said both Supervisors Marian Bergeson and Don Saltarelli, whose districts include the foothill areas, have “given their blessing to incorporation.” Which incorporation? The three cities, 11 cities, or any incorporation? With the new revenue neutrality provisions, it might mean more money and less responsibility for the county. Would that be an incentive for encouraging any incorporations?

Who’s behind the 11-city incorporation, other than the obvious members of the Foothill Committee?


Rancho Santa Margarita
