
Arbitron’s Method for L.A.

The article “Arbitron Poll Will Seek to Clarify Who’s Listening” (May 28) was factual as far as it went. What the article fails to discuss is how archaic the Arbitron methodology is in a market as diverse in population (racially, ethnically, culturally) as Los Angeles. The upcoming Hispanic language test is one small step in the right direction, but it came about only because of extreme pressure brought by local broadcasters.

Arbitron’s concern has been to properly represent minority groups in its samples. Nationally blacks and Hispanics are the two prominent minority populations so Arbitron uses special techniques with these groups to ensure representation in its surveys. Asians, nationally, make up a very small percentage of the population, but in Los Angeles Asians are more numerous than blacks. Ask Arbitron how many Asians are in its sample and it is clueless in Los Angeles. Ask Arbitron how many whites are in its sample and Arbitron is still clueless in Los Angeles. This is because Arbitron lumps everyone but Hispanics or blacks into an “other” category.

Hopefully, the Hispanic language test will awaken Arbitron to the fact that Los Angeles is different and it will broaden its focus and begin researching and identifying all the major segments of the market.



President, Media Research Graphics Inc.

