
The Ladies Still Languish

“Ladies Who Languish in a Basement” (May 14), shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. By now it has become clear that civil rights, women’s rights and financial support for the arts, as well as other issues deemed “liberal,” don’t fit under the Republican umbrella. I guess this means that the Republicans’ favorite budget cutting target, the National Endowment for the Arts, probably won’t be coming to the rescue of the statue of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony or Lucretia Mott any time soon.

Excuses like “This was sort of dumped in our laps,” “They just don’t like the statue,” and “We just don’t agree with it, that’s all,” as well as the petty logistical arguments, don’t cut it.

The excuse you are not likely to hear is, “Well, these liberal women have gotten carried away with this equal rights thing; I don’t think we need a gargantuan, constant reminder of this in our faces in the Rotunda of the Capitol building.”



Laguna Niguel
