
CIA Abuses in Guatemala

Re “Report Clears CIA of Abuses in Guatemala,” June 29: This is truly an amazing statement.

Actually nothing will ever clear the CIA of its abuses in Guatemala. These include:

* The overthrow of Guatemala’s democratic government in 1954.

* Use of Guatemala as a base for the invasion of Cuba in 1960-1961.

* Direct participation in the genocide of the indigenous population of Guatemala, 1962-1996.

* Direct participation in the torture and rape of Sister Dianna Ortiz. This case, of course, is still “under investigation.”


The conclusion of this truly incredible article quotes Anthony S. Harrington, chairman of the four-member panel: The human rights issue, he said, “simply wasn’t factored into the system.”

I would suggest that the human rights issue become the essential component of our future foreign and domestic policy. The CIA is not and will never be cleared of 42 years of abuses in Guatemala!


Office of the Americas

Los Angeles
