
Plot Your Course Book by Book : HARBORS AND HIGH SEAS: An Atlas and Geographical Guide to the Aubrey-Maturin Novels of Patrick O’Brian.<i> By Dean King (Henry Holt: $19.95 paperback, 220 pp.)</i>

For the most linear and absorbed readers, journalist Dean King and a team of experts offer the companion “Harbors and High Seas,” which carefully maps and illustrates the oceans, ports, islands and actions, book by book, of volumes 1 through 17 of the Aubrey-Maturin series. This is a sequel to King’s earlier O’Brian lexicon, “Sea of Words.”

Some new readers will find these companions helpful or reassuring. But for the rest of us, we’re on our own again for volume 18, “The Yellow Admiral,” knowing only that another remarkable journey is brewing on the horizon, fair winds all.
