

How dare you allow the cover of last Sunday’s Calendar to describe the HBO film “If These Walls Could Talk” as a “labor of love.” Labor, and love, have absolutely nothing to do with what the women undergoing abortions in this film are doing. They will experience neither as they face the consequences of their decisions.

The irony continues as Cher is quoted as saying “it’s only you sitting there . . . the experience is yours and yours alone” (“Truth Behind ‘These Walls,’ ” by Bruce Newman). I would like to remind Cher and anyone else who thinks this way that the baby is, or was, there too. From the moment you conceived, you were certainly not alone. Unfortunately, the baby got the much worse end of the deal once the procedure was completed.

Too bad you chose once again to portray those participating in abortion as somehow “heroes” of our day. They are committing murder, plain and simple.



Laguna Niguel
