
Heart Defect Screening Set for Prep Athletes

In light of three recent deaths of participants in high school sports, Fountain Valley High School today will screen dozens of athletes for heart problems.

Athletes signed up for winter teams, such as soccer, basketball and wrestling, will be offered the free exams at Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center. About 75 students are expected to participate.

The tests “will help us screen out an athlete with a preexisting condition or higher risk for a cardiac problem,” said Sean Higgs, the school’s athletic trainer. “With all of the recent deaths we’ve had . . . public awareness is at its peak right now.”


Higgs said the screenings are in addition to regular preseason physicals. He said he is hopeful that doctors can detect problems before they strike on the court, field or mat this winter: “It’s the best we can do without spending thousands of dollars per athlete.”

The deaths of three Southern California 17-year-olds in September sparked concern about the safety of contact sports and the less-than-extensive physicals required to participate.

Coronado High School football player Adrian Taufaassau died of apparent head trauma Sept. 22, two days after a game against Costa Mesa High School. Eric Hoggatt, a football player from Reseda High School, died of head injuries after a Sept. 12 game. And Saddleback High School water polo player Jaffe “Jeff” Campos, 17, had a fatal heart attack in the pool Sept. 4.


There have been no heart problems detected among Fountain Valley High School players this year, Higgs said, though a cross-country runner did suffer a nonfatal respiratory ailment.
