
Cancer Death Rate Drops for First Time


Sparked by major improvements in prevention and treatment, the death rate from cancer in the United States has shown a sustained fall for the first time since scientists began keeping records, according to research to be published Friday.

Since 1990, the age-adjusted death rate from cancer--which is the second-leading cause of death in this country after heart disease--has declined about 3.1%. That translates to as many as 16,000 lives saved this year that would have been lost in 1990.

“The 1990s will be remembered as the decade when we measurably turned the tide against cancer,” said Dr. Richard Klausner, director of the National Cancer Institute. “This is the news we have been waiting for.”


Although the decline is relatively small, researchers believe it is a harbinger of further decreases in cancer deaths “because we are just beginning to see the effects of long-term reductions in smoking and of reduced exposure to other lifestyle carcinogens, such as alcohol and solar radiation,” said Dr. Philip Cole and Dr. Brad Rodu of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. The pair were co-authors of the report, which will appear in the journal Cancer.

“If the current momentum continues, it is likely that there will be a 25% decrease in the overall death rate from cancer, and possibly as much as a 50% decrease, in the next 20 years,” said John R. Seffrin, chief executive officer of the American Cancer Society.

The one caveat in the data is that the overall death rate, as compared to the age-adjusted death rate, continues to rise because the population is aging and cancer is a disease of old age. Virtually all health statistics in this country are statistically adjusted to combine the rates from individual age groups so that values are not biased by, for example, a predominance of the elderly or teenagers.


As the population ages, “the number of people diagnosed with cancer and dying from it actually will increase rather than decrease,” noted epidemiologist Curtis J. Mettlin of the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, who wrote an editorial about the study in the journal.

“We think it will be possible to turn around the [overall death rate], but that is going to take several more years,” said Dr. Harmon Eyer, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society.

The incidence of some types of cancer also continues to increase for reasons that are unclear. Mortality from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (cancer of the lymphatic system), multiple myeloma (cancer of the bone marrow) and related cancers continues to rise, as does the incidence of brain tumors.


Despite those caveats, scientists are pleased with the results. “We are almost at the end of the 25th year of the war on cancer, and this is the first time there has been a sustained decrease in mortality,” said Judith C. Gasson, head of UCLA’s Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. That means the progress we have made in prevention, in detection and in treatment is really starting to pay off.”

The death rate from cancer has been growing consistently throughout the century. In 1900, the first year for which a meaningful estimate is possible, about 4% of all deaths in the United States were caused by cancer.

By 1970, cancer caused 17% of all deaths and the age-adjusted mortality rate was 129.9 deaths per 100,000 people. Both indicators peaked in 1990: the proportion of deaths at 24% and the mortality rate at 135.0 per 100,000.

Since then, the proportion of deaths caused by cancer has stabilized at 23%, and the mortality rate has fallen to 129.8 per 100,000, slightly lower than in 1970.

“The decline is accelerating and is now continuing at about 2% per year,” Cole said.

According to the National Cancer Institute, most of the overall drop in the death rate is because of declines in lung, colorectal and prostate cancer deaths in men, and a drop in breast, colorectal and gynecologic cancer deaths in women. Although the drop in lung cancer in men is caused by decreased smoking, the declines in the other types are attributable largely to improved detection, especially early detection by mammography and Pap screening in women.

New forms of therapy have also led to improved cure rates for Hodgkin’s disease, testicular carcinoma and several forms of leukemia.


Men are faring better than women. From 1991 to 1995, the mortality rate declined 4.3% in men, compared to a decrease of 1.1% in women. This is primarily because the death rate from lung cancer has continued to rise in women because of increased smoking, while it has fallen in men. Lung cancer mortality dropped 6.7% in men during this decade, but rose 6.4% in women.

African Americans have also shown major improvements, although the overall death rates are still about 40% higher in black men than in white men. The mortality rate declined 5.6% for blacks during this decade, compared to 1.7% for whites. The large improvement among blacks is linked to downward trends in lung cancer in men and colorectal cancer in men and women, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Researchers and clinicians “are very enthusiastic about the future,” Gasson said. “The information we are poised to bring to bear on cancer is much greater than the information we have already been able to translate into prevention and therapy. This is really a watershed event in the war on cancer.”


Cancer Decline

The death rate from cancer in the United States has shown a sustained fall for the first time, according to research to be published Friday. Since 1990, the age-adjusted death rate from the disease has declined about 3.1%.

Deaths per 100,000 people

1995: 130.8

Source: Philip Cole and Brad Rodu, University of Alabama at Birmingham
