
Converted Garages

The article on illegal housing Dec. 20 was prompted by the tragic deaths of five children who died in a fire that burned the garage in which they were living. What causes a family to live in such conditions? Is the solution stricter enforcement of laws and more frequent inspections? How about the problem of lack of affordable housing? Lack of jobs and job preparation?

As long as officials fail to look at root causes of poverty, they will continue to cite the impossible task of inspecting illegal sites.

What will it take to provide a living wage so that the poor can afford safe housing? Who will create jobs and prepare the unemployed and the underemployed for productive work? How many more tragedies will it take before officials decide that such living conditions are unacceptable in this society and they commit themselves to attack the problems of poverty, unemployment and lack of affordable housing?



Los Angeles

* Our society is capable of providing adequate housing for all its residents, but this smacks of welfare. It also can demand a living wage for all its workers, but this is bad for business. So once again the poor become the problem. They are forced to live in illegal housing, making poverty a crime.


Culver City
