
Hank Lacayo to Lead Democratic Club

Community and political activist Henry L. (Hank) Lacayo of Newbury Park, has been elected to a one-year term as president of the Democratic Club of the Conejo Valley.

“We have a lot of closet Democrats in the area and we want them to come out,” Lacayo said, adding that club members will also try to encourage better communication with Conejo Valley Republicans and Independents.

Lacayo was appointed an international presidential elections observer in Honduras in 1994, and also watched for voter fraud during the recent Nicaraguan elections.


He was deputy campaign director and state coordinator for Bill Clinton and Al Gore during the 1992 presidential election and has served as an advisor to the Democratic National Committee and the California Democratic State Central Committee.

Other local Democrats elected to one-year terms include educator Carol Kesselman as executive vice president, attorney Jerry W. Leavitt as administrative vice president, attorney Evie Kritt as recording secretary, businessman Dan Kenny as correspondence secretary and certified public accountant Chuck Taylor as treasurer.

Club members also unanimously endorsed the reelection of Bob Handy as director of Democratic State Region 10.


An installation ceremony for the officers is scheduled for February.
