
Compressed Work Plan for LAPD

Re “LAPD Officers Urge Approval of 3-Day Week,” Feb. 12:

Reader Michael Lohr (letter, Feb. 21) is either mistaken or not in possession of all the facts when he complains that officers would escape working four hours per week on the three-day, 12-hour plan. Under the compressed work schedule officers work three 12-hour days a week plus two additional eight-hour shifts per four-week deployment period. These extra eight-hour shifts can be used to address special enforcement problems (actually placing more officers on the street in addition to the regular watches).

Implementation of the so-called 3/12 plan would be a great morale booster. Officers lucky enough to work test divisions that have enjoyed the 3/12 for more than a year are happier and more productive. Many have expressed anxiety over returning to the 5/8 and are seriously considering finding another department not afraid to treat its officers with respect. Officers of the LAPD deserve better than they’ve been given. Let’s stop using LAPD as the scapegoat and smoke screen for the political ills of the city and get it back up there to No. 1.


West Hills
