
Fired Drug Czar

Re “Mexico Fires Drug Czar; Ties to Cartel Alleged,” Feb. 19:

As a Mexican citizen living in the United States, I am profoundly saddened and disappointed by the allegations of corruption against Gen. Jose de Jesus Gutierrez Rebollo. Corruption and conspiracy pose a real threat to the national security of both Mexico and the United States.

Moreover, it is embarrassing and shameful to know that some Mexican officials at any rank or level, whether civilian, military, executive or judicial, are not trustworthy. Their corrupt and degrading greed not only shatters our national image in the world community, but brings about a destructive chain reaction of repercussions, such as a general feeling of hopelessness and distrust in our government institutions, empowering of drug cartels and economic and political sanctions from the United States, to mention just a few.


