
Armstrong on Prejudice

In response to Armstrong Williams’ “You Can’t Be Godly and Prejudiced,” Commentary, March 13: The subhead states, “An honest renunciation of past injustices would go a long way toward uniting conservative Christians of all races.” Williams further states that “Southern Baptists . . . apologized for their ancestors’ role in maintaining” the institution of slavery.

I’ve heard of this modern-day guilt trip. But the fact of the matter is that neither I, nor any other living human being, is responsible for any past injustices. Williams makes the blanket statement that “liberals tried to use affirmative action as a proxy for restitution.” As if liberals all thought and acted alike. Such a generalization can be considered prejudiced itself.

If it’s a spiritual awakening Williams is looking for, I believe it’s already happening in Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and many other faiths. Acceptance of other faiths would be the most profound spiritual awakening this, and any country, could possibly experience.



Los Angeles
