
Eminent Domain Call for Project on Agenda

The Agency for Community Development next week will consider legal action to take possession of property needed for a redevelopment project.

The City Council, acting as the redevelopment agency, will vote Monday on whether to begin eminent domain proceedings on two of seven Garden Grove Boulevard parcels needed for a 70-home development.

The parcels are within a 5-acre site on the south side of Garden Grove Boulevard between Rockinghorse Road and Harbor Boulevard.


According to a city report, three of the parcels needed for the project have already been purchased, one is in escrow, and a tentative agreement has been reached on a fifth.

The eminent domain filing, which would allow the courts to set the value of the property and would require the owners to sell, would apply to the two remaining parcels.

The redevelopment agency will meet at 7 p.m. in the Community Meeting Center, 11300 Stanford Ave. Information: (714) 741-5100.
