
George W. Bush

Ronald Brownstein’s March 24 Washington Outlook about Texas Gov. George W. Bush and his attempt to impose a sales tax on auto repairs and other business activities and to decrease the property tax omits vital facts. The average homeowner will pay more under this services sales tax than he would if the same amount were raised by a property tax. Such a tax is almost impossible to collect, as most of such services would be paid for in cash. The big gainers from such a tax shift would be the big ranch owners, the land speculators and the downtown landowners, who pay very little taxes now, since Texas has no state income tax.

If Republicans wish to guarantee defeat in 2000, all they have to do is to nominate George W. Bush for president, with his strong alliance with the oil interests, the big ranch owners and the absentee downtown property owners, and his disdain for the business interests, consumers and small property owners in his state.


Laguna Niguel
