
City Agencies Most Likely to Get Federal Funds

Most of the city’s $8.4 million in federal block grant funds would go to city agencies rather than private organizations, under a proposal before the City Council on Monday..

The council will decide how to spend the city’s 1997-98 federal Community Development Block Grant funds. The block grants are allocated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to improve low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, eliminate blight and jump-start the economy.

Under the proposal, the largest portion of money--$3 million--would help repay a loan for relocation costs related to widening Bristol Street, one of the city’s main thoroughfares.


Another $2 million would repay a loan taken out to help build the city’s $107-million police administration and jail facility that opened earlier this year.

More than $1.5 million would go to the city’s planning department for code enforcement improvement, said community development technician Doris Turley.

Only 15% of the block grant money, or $1.26 million, can be used for social service programs, Turley said. The city staff and Human Relations Commission have recommended that $1 million be budgeted for such programs.


A public hearing on the block grants will be held at 6 p.m. at the City Council chambers, 22 Civic Center Plaza.

Information: (714) 647-6520.
