

Congratulations on “The Fabulous 50” dishes article (by S. Irene Virbila, April 27). But if your loyal readers follow the author’s advice, you will have contributed to the increasing rate of heart disease in Southern California and what I call the fattening of America. As I was reading, I felt a twinge of chest pain, as I’m sure that little cartoon dining character did after his heart raced to escape the ravages of the kitfo containing raw beef and butter.

Being a gastroenterologist, I did some analyses. A full 75% of the dishes and “quick bites” were in the medium- and high-fat catagories. Although 25% were low in fat, it was suggested that one of them be consumed with a high-fat pork chop.

I don’t advocate that Americans eat only vegetables, chicken and fish with bland sauces. I do suggest, however, that people go out for dinner less frequently, and when they do, take home half of the massive amount of food piled on their plates in front of them.


There were excellent, tasty, varied dishes among “The Fabulous 50.” I hope that the next such list will reverse the aforementioned percentages.

Dr. Graham M. Woolf

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center/UCLA

Los Angeles
