

Tony Gwynn’s average is hovering near .400 again this season, allowing him to join some heady company. A look at the top averages of all time over five consecutive seasons in the modern era (minimum 2,000 at-bats):


PLAYER YEARS AVERAGE Rogers Hornsby 1921-25 .402 Ty Cobb 1909-13 .396 George Sisler 1918-22 .381 Harry Heilman 1923-27 .380 Al Simmons 1927-31 .375 Nap Lajoie 1900-04 .374 Tony Gwynn 1993-97 .371 Tris Speaker 1921-25 .371 Babe Ruth 1920-24 .370 Joe Jackson 1911-15 .368


Researched by HOUSTON MITCHELL / Los Angeles Times.
