
$14.1 Million Budgeted for City Improvements

The City Council this week allocated more money than ever before for infrastructure improvements in the coming fiscal year.

The funds--$14.1 million for capital improvements--is part of the $35.3-million budget that the City Council approved Thursday for fiscal 1997-98.

The general fund, which pays city employee salaries and funds police, fire and other city services, makes up $21.2 million.


As part of the general fund, three new jobs--a fire captain, a Police Department administrative aide and a records management coordinator for the city clerk’s office--have been approved.

But council members said the highlight of the spending plan is the capital improvement fund, which nearly doubles last year’s allocation.

In response to repeated complaints from residents, City Council members made a commitment a few years ago to street repairs, improvements and upgrades, making that the top priority after public safety.


The $14.1 million will be spent on street and traffic improvements and beautification, as well as flood control projects.

“This will definitely help out the future of our city,” Councilman Steven C. Anderson said, adding that well-maintained, attractive streets raise property values.

A long list of capital improvement projects already is in the works. Among them is a plan to install street lights around the Valencia Street apartments, which border Third Street and La Habra Boulevard.


The City Council plans to meet July 10 to decide which projects will proceed first. The meeting will be at City Hall, 201 E. La Habra Blvd. at 7 p.m. Information: (562) 905-9700.
