
Rodney King Serving 90 Days for Hit-and-Run

Rodney G. King is serving a 90-day jail term for a hit-and-run incident involving his estranged wife, authorities said Thursday.

King, who has had several run-ins with authorities since his infamous 1991 videotaped beating by Los Angeles police, lost an appeal of his 1996 conviction for the Alhambra incident. King reported to the Los Angeles County Men’s Central Jail on Aug. 4 and is serving his sentence separated from the general population “due to his notoriety or celebrity . . . for his protection,” Sheriff’s Deputy Michael Irving said. He is scheduled to be released Sept. 24, Irving said.

In August 1996, a jury acquitted King of spousal abuse, assault with a deadly weapon and reckless driving in connection with the July 1995 incident, but found him guilty of hit-and-run. King appealed that conviction.


Prosecutors said King forced his estranged wife, Crystal, from their car during an argument and that she suffered arm and head injuries.

King has had nine encounters with law enforcement since 1991. Most have not resulted in arrest.
