
Kudos for YMCA Indian Program

In the fast-paced society we live in today, it is difficult to find a routine way to spend quality time one on one with your children. Thanks to some friends of mine and the Simi Valley YMCA, I have discovered a program that really works! It is the YMCA Y-Indian program.

My daughter, Heather, and I joined some other dads and their daughters to form a new “tribe” recently and we are already enjoying the fun we are having together. Last weekend, our tribe went to “Induction Camp,” which was filled with many fun activities and proved to be a real positive experience for all of us.

I would like to thank the Simi Valley YMCA, especially Jim King and the YMCA staff, and my friends Tony Bongiovanni and Robert Roxbury for encouraging us to join. I would also like to thank all the moms and dads who volunteered to host the “Induction Camp,” which we thoroughly enjoyed!


I encourage all moms and dads to check out this program. You will be glad you did!


Simi Valley
