
Trigger Locks for Handguns

I was so excited when I opened The Times and actually got some facts on the Saturday night special issue (“Facts Don’t Back Anti-Gun Crew,” by Chuck Michel, Commentary, Oct. 13). You should hire this guy as a permanent member of your staff.

I would like to point up a couple of facts that you missed in your editorial (“A Handgun Accord That Puts Safety First,” Oct. 13). You mentioned that one-third of the nation’s handguns remain loaded and unlocked, but didn’t point up that it’s extremely unsafe to put a trigger lock on a loaded gun. A quick-access lock box is much better for home defense.

Also you say that “these weapons cause 500 child deaths every year,” but the National Safety Council, the National Center for Health Services and the Justice Department all say that the actual number is close to 200, or just under 3% of all fatal accidents among children. And that’s all firearm accidents among children, not just handgun accidents.


The most important thing in the safety issue is education. If you have children, teach them about the lethality of firearms, and please store your guns safely and out of reach.


North Hollywood


Your Oct. 10 article on trigger locks (“8 Gun Makers Agree to Provide Trigger Locks”) was most interesting, especially the statistics you cite about children being wounded and/or killed by firearms. Your figures include anyone under 20. That means they include gangbangers and dope dealers; and we all are aware how those “youngsters” will be so glad to know that such devices will come with every new gun.

Trigger locks have been available for many years at a modest cost to those gun owners who choose to buy one. Your article made it appear that until the manufacturers listed decided to include them with their firearms, they were not. Now I guess we can wait for the other shoe to drop, when The Times begins promoting legislation mandating trigger lock use, touting great new penalties for not so doing.



Redondo Beach


I applaud President Clinton for facilitating an agreement with handgun manufacturers to provide child safety locks; however, I’m appalled that three of the largest producers of Saturday night specials have not signed on to this agreement. These Southern California “Ring of Fire” gun makers, who produce 80% of the small-caliber handguns in the country, consistently resist all reasonable efforts to reduce gun injuries in California and throughout the United States.

Unfortunately, the recent veto of the junk gun bill by Gov. Pete Wilson was a step backward in forcing these manufacturers to increase gun safety. I call on President Clinton to propose legislation that will require these Ring of Fire manufacturers to produce only safe products that will no longer harm America’s children.


