
Council Acts to Curb Speeding on East Side

In an effort to curb speeding on the east side of Costa Mesa, the City Council voted this week to assign more traffic police in the area.

Motorists frequently surpass the 25-mph speed limit in the residential area because it is used as a short cut between Irvine Avenue and Newport Boulevard.

“If people can’t be careful, I think a ticket would be a good reminder that it is a residential area,” Councilman Joe Erickson said.


Police will dedicate more time to ticketing speeders in east side neighborhoods, and a team of two officers will focus on enforcing traffic laws on residential streets.

In related action, the council agreed Tuesday to begin looking at ways to improve traffic flow on 17th Street. Erickson said people use the residential streets on the east side because 17th Street is often jammed.
