

“Mother Teresa is gone, but the Gospel teaches us that faith, hope and love endure. She had them in abundance, and they will stay with us forever.

--President Clinton


“I just still always expected to see her rebound. One just always had the feeling she was indestructible and would go on forever.”

--Robert D’Amico, head of the department of opthamology at St. Vincent Hospital, who operated on her twice for cataracts



“The pope believes she is a woman who has left her mark on the history of this century. She was a glowing example of how the love of God can be transformed into love of one’s neighbor.”

--Father Ciro Benedettini, deputy Vatican spokesman


“Humanity has lost its symbol of solidarity.”

--President Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil, the country with the largest number of Roman Catholics


“Mother Teresa devoted her life to the poor, and her spirit will live on as an inspiration to all of us.”


--British Prime Minister Tony Blair


“It is rather lovely to think that Mother Teresa, who was very friendly with Princess Diana, should have gone so soon to join her.”

--Cardinal Basil Hume, head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales


“The world and especially India is poorer by her passing away. Hers was a life devoted to bring love, peace and joy to people whom the world generally shuns.”

--Indian Prime Minister Inder Kumar Gujral


“She leaves behind a shining example of charity, service and spiritual fortitude.”

--U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan


“This evening, there is less love, less compassion, less light in the world.”

--French President Jacques Chirac
