
Opportunities for Volunteering

The Sylmar Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library is seeking older adult volunteers for its Grandparents and Books program. Volunteers will be trained how to read aloud and present books to children as well as how to use puppets and flannel figures. Bilingual skills are helpful, but not required. For information, call children’s librarian Ian Rosen at (818) 367-6102.

Special Equestrian Riding Therapy is looking for volunteers to assist in therapeutic horseback riding for disabled children and adults at its Agoura Hills ranch. Volunteers 13 and older are needed to assist riders during afternoon classes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Volunteers will be trained in CPR and first aid. No experience with horses is necessary. For information, call Nora Fischbach at (818) 776-6476.
