
‘The Official Story’

The 1985 winner of the best foreign film Oscar is a work of surpassing subtlety and insight in which a dark-eyed, dark-haired Argentine professor of history (Norma Aleandro, right) begins to suspect that her adopted child (Analia Castro, left with Hector Alterio) might be the offspring of desparecidos. The film is set in 1983, in the wake of the crumbling of Argentina’s military dictatorship. Directed and co-written by Luis Puenzo (Cinemax Saturday at 8 p.m).

Other four-star films airing this week:

The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek / AMC, Monday, 7:30 a.m.

The Four Feathers / AMC, Monday, 7:30 p.m.; early Tuesday, 1 and 5:30 a.m.

Twentieth Century / Cinemax, Tuesday, 6:30 a.m.

Laura / AMC, Tuesday, 4:30 and 10:15 p.m.; early Wednesday, 5:30 a.m.

Going My Way / AMC, Friday, 2 p.m.

A Star Is Born (1954), AMC, Friday, 4:15 p.m.
