
Street Dispute Stalls Gas Station Upgrading

A gas station at bustling El Toro Road and Avenida de la Carlota has been cleared for major remodeling with action this week by the City Council.

The project would turn the seven-pump Chevron business into a six-pump station with a small food market.

Representatives of G&M; Oil Co. assured the council they have no plans to sell alcohol at the food mart.


However, station representatives said they would not go forward with the project if an agreement could not be reached with the county in a dispute involving a street widening project.

County officials and G&M; Oil Co. have been unable to agree on a sale price for a stretch of property in front of the station needed for the street widening. The county subsequently lost an attempt in court to take the land by eminent domain, a legal procedure that allows government agencies to acquire property for public projects.
