
Speech to Ex-POWs

In response to “Words to a Prisoner of Hatred” by Al Martinez, Sept. 23: Martinez criticized the wonderful speech made at a POW outreach program by George Maness, who received a standing ovation from men who knew what he was talking about. Martinez wants the whole world to feel as he does.

It would be a waste of time to invite him to the Westwood VA on any Monday morning to watch a session conducted by a great psychiatrist, Dr. Calvin Frederick. There are usually 20 to 30 ex-POWs, from all wars, present. I would like to see Martinez tell any of these men to “put away their uniforms” and forget the war. Most of these men are over 70. They tell their stories at these sessions, and sooner or later they “break down” and start to cry, mainly because they can’t tell their stories to “outsiders.”


Los Angeles
