
The Poor Loser Becomes a Winner

Several readers called or wrote last week in response to Art Fein’s lament, “The Two-Time Princess Cake Loser” (Aug. 5), assuring us that good princess cakes are still to be found.

Ingrid Madeiros of San Juan Capistrano recommends Emil Swiss Pastries in Los Angeles, Berolina Bakery in Glendale and Gelson’s in Newport Beach. Lorraine Hammarlund of Sepulveda seconds Berolina. Isabelle Meyer of Glendale gets her princess cakes at Federico’s in Pasadena.

Emil Swiss Pastries, 1751 Ensley Ave., Los Angeles, (310) 277-1114; Berolina Bakery, 3421 Oceanview Blvd., Glendale, (818) 249-6506; Federico, 1810 E. Colorado, Pasadena, (626) 795-4484; and Gelson’s, 1660 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach, (949) 644-8669.


As to Fein’s further lament that all of his favorite places close, Carol Poretz of West Hollywood called to let him know that Siam restaurant, which he had lost twice, has been reincarnated as Lana Thai restaurant at Moorpark Street and Van Nuys Boulevard in Sherman Oaks; the name and location have changed, but the owners and the food are the same.

I respect Mr. Fein’s search for a piece of cake that excites his soul. I believe I have spotted a very similar (if not the same) type of cake at a small place called Sweet Lady Jane’s on Melrose Boulevard in L.A.

Many times I have stared with admiration into their display cases of baked glory, and I have spotted this green delight on more than one occasion. (How does one forget a green cake, especially with the name of “princess”?)


I hope that if Mr. Fein is still out there looking, he checks out this place. It’s not Skandia and it’s not a Swedish bakery, but it could possibly be the pot of baked gold at the end of his sugary rainbow.


From the Internet

Sweet Lady Jane Bakery, 8360 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles (213) 653-7145.
