
all day / Photography

If you’re lucky enough to be in San Diego through the end of January, stop by the large traveling exhibition “Abelardo Morell and the Camera Eye” now at the Museum of Photographic Arts in the city’s historic Balboa Park. Composed of about 50 gelatin silver prints, the exhibition demonstrates Morell’s long interest in the optical principles of photography demonstrated in his series “Optical Phenomena and Everyday Occurrences,” “Books, Maps and Paintings” and the “Camera Obscura” (a system of lenses and mirrors that condenses and reflects an image onto a white surface). If you still don’t get it, see for yourself as a room-size camera obscura will be set up in the gallery where viewers can enter the camera and view the projected image upside down on the opposite wall.

* “Abelardo Morell and the Camera Eye,” Museum of Photographic Arts, 1649 El Prado, Balboa Park, San Diego. Ends Jan. 31. Museum hours: Daily, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission: Adults, $4; children under 12 free. (619) 238-7559.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Dec. 4, 1998 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Friday December 4, 1998 Home Edition Calendar Part F Page 28 Entertainment Desk 1 inches; 21 words Type of Material: Correction
Holiday event--The Women’s Art Show and Sale on Sunday will be at the YWCA in Santa Monica. Thursday’s Calendar Weekend said the event was at the YMCA.

7pm: Jazz

Gregg Karukas, an extremely melodic keyboardist, has been a sideman with many of the biggest names in smooth jazz. He’ll lead his own ensemble, which features suave vocalist Shelby Flint, in “Holiday Jazz,” a free program of seasonal music that will get your season moving to a beat.


* “Holiday Jazz” with Gregg Karukas and Shelby Flint, Cal State Northridge Performing Arts Center, Student Union, 1811 Nordhoff St., Northridge, 8 p.m. Free. (818) 677-3943.

11am: Family

The Westside Jewish Community Center will become a Winter Wonderland when 60 tons of snow are dumped on its parking lot, creating a “Snow Day” of sliding and snowman-building. There will be plenty to eat and drink, including kosher hot dogs and hot apple cider.

* Winter Wonderland, Westside Jewish Community Center, 5870 W. Olympic Blvd., Los Angeles. Sunday, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Adults, children, $5; $4 for adults with children. (323) 938-2531, Ext. 2207.


7pm: Theater

The inimitable Robert Morse stars as Elwood P. Dowd in a concert reading of Mary Chase’s classic comedy “Harvey”--about an eccentric and his best friend, an invisible, 6-foot-plus white rabbit--as a fund-raiser for Theatre 40.

* “Harvey,” Theatre 40, Beverly Hills High School campus, 241 Moreno Drive, Sunday, 7 p.m. $50. (323) 660-8587.

7:30pm / Comedy

Fritz Coleman, hot off the L.A. run of his one-man show “It’s Me, Dad,” Pauly Shore, Taylor Negron and Andy Kindler are on the bill at the benefit show “Comedy Stand 5” at the Palace in Hollywood. Comedians Geoff Young and Scott LaRose round out the comedy lineup on a night that also includes singer Billy Vera and a performance by the dance troop Generation Next Dancers. Proceeds go to the Family Assistance Program, a Hollywood-based organization that helps disadvantaged and low-income families.


* “Comedy Stand 5,” the Palace, 1735 Vine St., Hollywood. $20 front balcony; $10 upper balcony, 7:30 p.m. (213) 461-9632

8pm: Acoustic Music

The slightly sporadic but always interesting concert series Partners in Rhyme takes up again Sunday at Genghis Cohen Cantina. On the slate are four local songwriters: Robin Pearl, Mare Lennon, Harriet Schock and organizer Mark Islam. They’ll share the cantina’s small stage, taking turns playing original tunes, all to benefit Project Angel Food, which delivers daily meals to people with AIDS.

* Partners in Rhyme at Genghis Cohen Cantina, 740 N. Fairfax Ave., Hollywood, 8 p.m. $5. One-drink minimum.

Freebies: Native American Sand Painting at the Junior Arts Center, Barnsdall Art Park, 4800 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles, 2-4 p.m. (213) 485-4474.

Women’s Art Show and Sale at the YMCA of Santa Monica, 2019 14th St., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. (310) 452-3881.
