
To Take Action:

Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, (202) 225-0600; Internet,

Speaker-elect Bob Livingston, (202) 225-3015, [email protected]

Los Angeles County

Xavier Becerra, District 30, (202) 225-6235, [email protected]

Howard L. Berman, District 26, (202) 225-4695, [email protected]

Julian C. Dixon, District 32, (202) 225-7084, [email protected]

David Dreier, District 28, (202) 225-2305, [email protected]

Jane Harman, District 36, (202) 225-8220, david. [email protected]

Stephen Horn, District 38, (202) 225-6676, david. [email protected]

Jay C. Kim, District 41, (202) 225-3201, [email protected]

Matthew G. Martinez (District 31), (202) 225-5464, [email protected]

Howard P. McKoen, District 25, (202) 225-1956, [email protected]

Juanita Millender-McDonald, District 37, (202) 225-7924, andrea.martin@mail.

James E. Rogan, District 27, (202) 225-4176, [email protected].

Lucille Roybal-Allard, District 33, (202) 225-1766, [email protected]

Edward R. Royce, District 39, (202) 225-4111, [email protected]

Esteban Edward Torres, District 34, (202) 225-5256, [email protected]

Maxine Waters, District 35, (202) 225-2201, [email protected]

Henry A. Waxman, District 29, (202) 225-3976, [email protected]

Orange County

Christopher Cox, District 47, (202) 225-5611, [email protected]

Dana Rohrabacher, District 45, (202) 225-2415, [email protected]

Loretta Sanchez, District 46, (202) 225-2965, [email protected]

Riverside County

Mary Bono, District 44, (202) 225-5330, [email protected]

Ken Calvert, District 43, (202) 225-1986, [email protected]

San Bernardino County

George E. Brown Jr., District 42, (202) 225-6161, [email protected]

Jerry Lewis, District 40, (202) 225-5861, [email protected]

Ventura County

Elton Gallegly, District 23, (202) 225-5811, [email protected]

Brad Sherman, District 24, (202) 225-5911, [email protected]
