
Clergy of All Faiths Invited to Learn About Mental Illness

A Mission Viejo church is sponsoring a seminar on Jan. 9 to help clergy of all faiths understand and help the mentally ill.

People with schizophrenia or manic-depressive or obsessive-compulsive disorders may not recognize their symptoms as physical in nature, so they may first approach a minister, priest or rabbi for help, said Carol Marleau, an assistant to the senior pastor at Presbyterian Church of the Master in Mission Viejo.

Hoping the clergy will become more informed about mental disorders, church leaders have planned a seminar to explore ways pastors can help care for the mentally ill and their families.


Theologians and medical professionals will discuss causes, symptoms, common fears and misconceptions regarding mental illnesses.

Clergy from all faiths are invited to attend the event from 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the church, 26051 Marguerite Parkway in Mission Viejo. Call (949) 582-2670 for reservations.

The same topic will be addressed on Jan. 6 at a lunch meeting of the Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council. Gunnar Christiansen will discuss “spirituality and mental health,” offering advice to clergy about helping those with mental illness.


The lunch will begin at noon at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, 600 St. Andrews Road in Newport Beach. It is open to clergy and lay leaders in Costa Mesa, Irvine and Newport Beach for $5; reservations may be made by calling (949) 660-8665, Ext. 3.
