
Even the Smallest Delay Heartens Foes of Universal Studios Expansion


As the county’s regional Planning Commission nears completion of the first major phase of hearings on the proposed expansion of Universal Studios, opponents are rejoicing in the smallest of victories.

Take Wednesday’s meeting, when the commission took several small steps forward, but failed to wrap up the first level of hearings--begun more than a year ago--on the unprecedented, 15-year expansion of the Universal theme park and movie studio in Universal City.

Neighbors who oppose the expansion were thrilled with the simple fact that the commission ran out of time and put off finishing its discussion until March 23.


“We did it! We did it!” cried a jubilant Paul Haje, a neighborhood activist who opposes the expansion. “The whole point is to keep them from moving forward.”

The commission did agree to allow several aspects of the plan--including height limits, restrictions on signs and limits on construction noise--to be included in a proposed zoning document, known as a specific plan.

At its March 23 meeting, the commission is expected to discuss ways to limit noise from film production. At that meeting, the board is expected to order county planners to draft zoning rules for the area and prepare a final environmental impact report.


Both documents would require approval of the commission and the county Board of Supervisors. Approval could take another year or more.
