
Bike Trail Blues

* I read in disbelief the Feb. 18 article concerning the bicycle trail beneath the bluffs in San Clemente between the Ole Hanson Beach Club and Calafia Park.

A “dream come true”? Do the governmental bodies of Orange County really believe that the residents of San Clemente want to see what the San Clemente Mission Statements call their “unique environment and natural amenities” paved over and fenced in?

As a San Clemente resident, I am adamantly opposed to a 12-foot wide asphalt trail and a 6-foot fence that disfigures the “last undeveloped land available” along the beach in San Clemente.


Why is it bureaucrats believe that if they have money it must be spent and if they have virgin scenic terrain it must be paved?

I hope that the San Clemente City Council doesn’t sell out its residents to Orange County special interest groups. The thrill of winning a grant should not take precedence above preserving the shoreline.


San Clemente
