
City Acts to Improve Eastbluff Area Traffic

After Eastbluff residents complained about traffic in their neighborhood, the city has taken several steps to improve the situation in the area.

To prevent drivers from cutting through Eastbluff between Jamboree Road and Eastbluff Drive, cars will no longer be able to turn left from northbound Jamboree onto Bison Avenue beginning Jan. 15. They will also not be forced to turn from Bison onto Jamboree where the two streets meet.

City officials also said they will soon begin taking proposals from contractors to create a right-hand turn lane on Eastbluff Drive. At peak hours, traffic backs up along Eastbluff Drive because cars are not allowed to turn right from that street onto Jamboree.


Residents said they are worried that existing traffic problems are going to worsen with the development of nearby Bonita Village, which is under construction east of MacArthur Boulevard and south of the San Joaquin Hills Corridor.
