
Hillview Honored as a Model School

The state Department of Education made official what leaders at Hillview High School have known for several months: The school has been named a Model Continuation School by the state and the California Continuation Education Assn.

One of only 16 continuation high schools in the state to win the designation, Hillview will keep the title for five years.

State Supt. of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin said the schools help teenagers unable to continue at their regular high schools avoid failure.


“Continuation schools offer a greater diversity in instructional strategies, a more intensive support system, a more flexible schedule, independent study time and smaller class sizes than regular high schools,” Eastin said. “As a result, many of the students who attend these schools choose to stay in school and graduate rather than drop out.”

Al Marzilli, principal of Hillview, which is in the Tustin Unified School District, said the school succeeds by accepting the students for who they are and helping them find their talents.
