
Stretching Across Ontario in a Bus

CanaBUS Tours has just introduced seven-day tours that explore Canada’s Ontario province using 24-seat minibuses. The service, geared to backpackers and budget travelers, covers a 1,000-mile route from Niagara Falls to the Algonquin wilderness.

The buses depart Toronto every Tuesday and Saturday until Nov. 30. The route begins with a visit to Kingston and Old Ft. Henry, and continues along the St. Lawrence River. A stop is made for a chocolate factory tour, then it’s on to Ottawa, where passengers can explore the city or go white-water rafting on the Ottawa River. Next is the Ottawa Valley for a tour of a fur-trading auction house before heading into Algonquin Park for some canoeing and a cookout.

On the way back to Toronto the tour winds through wine country and stops at the McMichael Art Gallery. The tour price is about $200, which doesn’t include accommodations, meals or entrance fees. However, the buses deliver passengers to budget accommodations nightly, and they get special discounted rates on accommodations and some activities.


For more information, contact CanaBUS Tours Inc., 74 Gerrard St. East, Toronto, ON M5B 1G6; telephone (416) 977-8311.

For those who want to shop around, the competing service is the Moose, which offers bus service through Ontario and Quebec. For information, call (905) 471-8687.


Travelers who are looking for budget accommodations in North America this summer and want more privacy than is available in youth-hostel dormitory rooms should consider student residences. One source of information on campus accommodations is the Key Guide 1997-1998 edition of “On Campus USA & Canada: Budget Accommodation for Tourists, Students and Groups.” The 106-page booklet includes listings for 230 residences. Copies are available for $10.95 (includes shipping) from Key Guides, 2414 Rose Drive, Glenshaw, PA 15116-2520; tel. (412) 492-0989.



The Neill-Wycik student residence in Toronto is again opening its doors to budget travelers this summer. The centrally located facility offers dormitory beds from $16. You can find it at 96 Gerrard St. East, Toronto, ON M5B 1G7; tel. (416) 977-2320.

Izon is a Toronto-based freelance writer. She can be reached at
