
Heston’s Remarks, NRA Leadership

Re “Check Out All the Groups in Moses’ Sights,” by Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Commentary, June 15:

It is wildly inaccurate to characterize Charlton Heston’s Free Congress Foundation remarks as “venom-laced.” The suggestion of any meaningful similarities between Heston’s remarks and Khalid Muhammad’s profoundly disturbing and hateful address of a few years back is irresponsible.

A quote from Muhammad’s speech should bring some much-needed perspective: “It is time for blacks to make revolutionary movies where blacks are killing white folks . . . Kill them so hard, slice their heads to bits right on the screen. Make it so lively that your popcorn feels it is getting soaked in blood off the screen!”


Heston “attacks” no one. Rather, his speech essentially centers on two questions worthy of rational answers: “So why should I be ashamed of white guys? Why is ‘Hispanic pride’ or ‘black pride’ a good thing, while ‘white pride’ conjures shaven heads and white hoods?” Perhaps Hutchinson could offer his thoughts on these questions. In doing so, he might actually present some commentary relevant to Heston’s speech.




With a movie actor now lending his questionable expertise to the NRA, we can only hope that he will help reduce the number of gun murders by young people in the U.S. from 25 times the total of all the other first world nations combined.

Cigarette companies are paying for deaths caused by their product. Can anti-gun advocates ensure that gun companies are forced to follow suit? Alone among countries in the modern world, we as a nation have approved of and encouraged non-hunting gun ownership. Look at the ads! With many tens of millions of these murder weapons available to all, we are all a danger to ourselves and to each other.



Dana Point


Guns were invented for one purpose, killing, and target practice is for getting better at it. The NRA claims we don’t need more gun laws, just enforcement of those on the books. The gun law on the books longer than any other is one that Moses brought down from the mountaintop--thou shalt not kill.

Didn’t the messenger read the message? It looks like “Moses” Heston now prostrates himself before the golden calf of the NRA.


North Hollywood
