
Burbank Airport Expansion

The Times is dead right that Burbank Airport Authority member [William] Paparian’s suggestion that Burbank Airport expand into an international hub is destined to further obstruct the process of resolving an ongoing dispute (“Avoid the Turbulence,” June 14). This suggestion is no less than an articulation of Valley residents’ worst fears: Burbank Airport will develop into an LAX in the Valley, with all the attendant noise, pollution and auto traffic. Paparian’s suggestion is sure to provoke even stronger resistance to airport expansion, as it should.

What the Times misses is that Burbank and other affected communities have already made substantial concessions with no suggestion of compromise from the authority. Burbank has essentially agreed to let the airport grow to 19 gates; the authority demands 27 gates. Burbank wants some reasonable limits on air traffic, especially at night; the authority refuses even to consider the idea.

An incident that occurred [June 16] should cause the authority to at least consider a compromise on growth: An aircraft departing Van Nuys Airport crashed into a home, killing the pilot [and passenger] and just missing the residents.


The authority cannot delude itself and residents into believing that this scenario will not be repeated when hundreds more aircraft each day are squeezed into the already crowded skies over Valley residents’ homes. This probability alone should give the authority pause in its headlong rush to develop LAX in the Valley.

CHRISTOPHER BARNES, Member, Burbank Airport Study Advisory Committee
