
‘One-Size’ Policies Don’t Fit All Cases

Regarding your March 9 editorial on “zero-tolerance” policies, “Drug Policy and Judgment”:

A great idea flawed by a lack of justice. While we actively encourage the use of certain drugs, it is never made clear exactly why some drugs are legal and others, arbitrarily determined, are not. Drugs such as nicotine and alcohol, which are presented as acceptable, are far more harmful than marijuana, which is pictured as dangerous.

Taking away the ability of the school administrators to make judgments about individual situations will invariably result in serious breeches of the civil rights of all students.

Who gained by disrupting the education of students for “suspected marijuana use” or carrying pocket knives or gifts of wine for a teacher?


Certainly not the students and not you or me.

Isn’t school the place where children should be learning how democracy works and how to make appropriate decisions?

Can we really expect young people to learn to participate in the operation of this great country by teaching them that any problem can be solved with a “one size fits all” solution?

It hasn’t solved our problems for the last 200 years and it won’t for the next 200 years.

Nothing will ever replace considered individual judgment, whether regarding curricula, books, events, drugs or weapons. Each situation is unique and demands unique solutions.



