
$150,000 Sought for Library Computers

City leaders will discuss a request for $150,000 from Friends of the Library at a meeting Wednesday of the city’s library committee.

Library officials said the money would be used for 10 personal computers and furniture for them. In addition, a technical person would be hired to assist computer users and maintain the system. A portion of the funds would also be used to hire additional librarians.

In supporting the request, Marjorie E. Grate, a member of the Friends of the Library, pointed out in a letter that 57% of Camarillo’s voters in 1996 opted for a five-year annual library tax of $25 per parcel.


“I do not believe support for the library has changed in these two years,” Grate wrote. “The citizens of this area want better library services.”

The committee is to decide at its 3:30 p.m. meeting whether to recommend that the City Council grant the request.

“Why is it necessary continually to remind those who hold the city purse strings of the dire straits and abysmal future facing the Camarillo Library?” Grate asked.
