
Mother of Girls Hit by Train Is Sentenced on DUI, Drug Charges

Associated Press

A mother whose daughters were killed by a commuter train last year has pleaded no contest to being under the influence of methamphetamine and driving under the influence of drugs.

Jackie Robles was sentenced to 90 days in County Jail, but the judge suspended the sentence pending her successful completion of a six-month inpatient drug treatment program. The judge also placed Robles on three years’ probation, fined her $1,049 and ordered her to serve 227 hours of community service.

The sentencing Thursday stems from a traffic incident in December when Robles was stopped by sheriff’s deputies after she allegedly ran a stop sign. She was cited for driving under the influence of a narcotic and being under the influence of methamphetamine.


Robles was thrust into the media spotlight in October after her daughters, Deziree Soto, 21 months, and Alexus Robles, 3, were hit and killed by a Metrolink train. They left their apartment while their mother was sleeping and wandered onto the nearby railroad tracks. Drug tests revealed that Robles had a small amount of methamphetamine in her system on the day of the accident, but prosecutors declined to file charges against her.
