
Catalina Steamer

Re “SOS for a Steamer,” May 4:

As a ‘40s user, I always get a sinking feeling when I read about the pitiful state of the wonderful old SS Catalina. Listen, I drank in that bar, danced to that orchestra and, a decade later, subjected my kids to the clowns and magic acts on the lovely ship.

Unfortunately, these fond reminiscences induced my son to take my granddaughter to Catalina a few weeks ago. I say “unfortunately” because the journey on the small boat that now takes passengers to the island proved to be so rough that I doubt if I’ll ever get her to go back to retrace with me the wonderful memories I have of that tiny island.

Even if the Great White Steamer gets retrieved, my hope is that some courageous captains of capitalism will foresee the benefits of launching a really seaworthy vessel to once again “plow the channel” for that “26 miles across the sea” adventure. My guess is that such a vessel making the trip to Santa Catalina would be extremely popular with tourists to Southern California.


