
Votes on Highway and Transit Bill

Here is how members of the California House delegation voted Friday on the highway and mass transit bill. Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer also voted for the measure.

Republicans for--Bono, Calvert, Cunningham, Doolittle, Dreier, Gallegly, Horn, Kim, Lewis, McKeon, Packard, Pombo, Radanovich, Rogan, Thomas

Democrats for--Becerra, Brown, Capps, Condit, Dooley, Farr, Filner, Lantos, Lee, Martinez, Matsui, Millender-McDonald, Pelosi, Roybal-Allard, Sanchez, Sherman, Tauscher, Waters, Woolsey


Republicans against--Bilbray, Campbell, Cox, Herger, Hunter, Rohrabacher

Democrats against--Berman, Eshoo, Stark, Waxman

Republicans not voting--Riggs, Royce

Democrats not voting--Dixon, Fazio, Harman, Lofgren, Miller, Torres
