
Middle East Peace Accord

In reading “Palestinians’ Charter Clouds Peace Yet Again” (Oct. 28), about the dispute between the Israelis and the Palestinian Liberation Organization about certain objectionable parts of the PLO charter, I was surprised to discover that this sizable article failed to quote the offending statements. I looked up the PLO charter on the Internet and discovered: “The liberation of Palestine, from an Arab viewpoint . . . aims at the elimination of Zionism in Palestine.” And, “The partition of Palestine in 1947 and the establishment of the state of Israel are entirely illegal, regardless of the passage of time.”

The entire tone of this charter shows a persistent intolerance of traditional Jewish beliefs and calls for the use of violence against Israel as the primary means to achieve PLO goals.




“U.S. Is Now Third Party to Mideast Peace Accord” (Oct. 25) contained very disturbing information. Apparently it is now the U.S. that is to be responsible for ensuring compliance with this complex agreement by both Israel and Palestine. To place the CIA in the position of supervising security issues between these two parties, including that Palestinian terrorists are arrested and punished, appears to border on insanity! Considering the intense hatreds extant in that area of the Middle East, it is probable that increasing hatred will be directed at the U.S. Who knows what increase in terrorist acts may result. And in what position is the U.S. if there is a failure to produce peaceful solutions?


Little has been said about the extent of the monetary obligations to which the Clinton administration may have committed the U.S. in assuming a “third party” role. We may be in for some surprises when the details are known.


Mission Viejo
