

SILVERWOOD--Trout action has been good in Miller Canyon on Power Bait for shore anglers, and trout are being caught at the dam and Chemise areas on spinners. Striper action has improved since the last trout plant and a number of fish have been reported by anglers trolling big trout-like plugs near the marina or shore fish in the same areas.

BIG BEAR LAKE--Bank anglers are getting trout on nightcrawlers and Power Bait and boat anglers are trolling flashers and a crawler or drifted Power Bait. Metcalf Bay, Boulder Bay and the observatory areas have been best. Slow other species.

GREGORY LAKE--Generally slow fishing. A few trout are showing for anglers fishing inflated nightcrawlers or Power Bait near the baseball fields.


GREEN VALLEY LAKE--Slow trout action.

HESPERIA LAKE--Good trout action for anglers fishing Power Bait, Sierra Gold or inflated nightcrawlers on a long leader.

YUCAIPA--Good trout action with weekly county stocks from Whitewater. A DFG plant also went in this week.

PERRIS--Fair to good trout action and there was a DFG trout plant Wednesday at lots 13 and 14, which should keep the action good for the holiday weekend. The fish are showing over much of the lake now. The best action has been on Power Bait or small lures. The largemouth bass action is fair with quite a few small, sub-15-inch bass being caught. Most of the action is in deeper water now, but some fish are still up chasing shad in the late afternoons. The few anglers dipping live shad are having the best luck, but cranks, spoons, and plastics are all working.


CORONA LAKE--The trout bite remains strong with limit-fishing the rule, and there were 14 trout over the nine-pound mark caught in the past week. The three biggest fish were all over 13 pounds, topped by a rainbow at 13.4 pounds caught by Steve St. Germain, Carlsbad.

SKINNER--There is a fair to good striper bite in the east end but the best bait has been shad, which has been tough to get. Some fish showing on swim baits, shad-like cranks or anchovies, but the shad are the best bet.

LAKE HEMET--DFG trout plant last week. The trout bite has been good on Power Bait. The bass action is slow to fair. The largemouths are showing in deeper water on the points.


SANTA ANA RIVER LAKES--The trout bite remains excellent with hundreds of limits reported and over 15 trout topping eight pounds reported caught in the past week.

IRVINE--Good to excellent trout action here after a major plant of trophy trout this past week. Top fish was an 18.3-pound rainbow caught by Meghan McNeill, Anaheim.

OSO RESERVOIR--Bass action has remained good for anglers fishing jigs and plastics in 15 to 25 feet of water. Scott Hartsaw, Huntington Beach, caught and released 50 bass to 6.45 pounds on jigs at the corner of the dam.

CACHUMA--A plant of 4,000 pounds of Mt. Lassen rainbows were planted Tuesday, including some fish topping six pounds. The best action has been trolling from Santa Cruz to the narrows with Needlefish, and the shore action good is off the El Dorado Shoreline and Loop Trail Fishing Pier with Power Bait.

CASITAS--The trout action has continued good and another 1,500 pound of Mt. Lassen trout were planted Tuesday. The best action has been at the Santa Ana Launch ramp on Power Bait. Improving bass action after slow fishing the past couple of weeks. Lots of smaller fish showing on crawdads, nightcrawlers, and plastics, but the bigger fish are showing on big swim baits and A.C. Plugs.

CASTAIC--Some trout showing in the lower lake but these fish are thinning out because of no recent plants. Upper lake still producing the occasional striper for anglers fishing near the dam or launch ramp. Bass are slow except for the few anglers fishing deep water suspended fish in 30 or more feet of water. Spoons, doodled plastics, or Rapala ice jigs are getting the few fish being caught and anglers often need to needle the air bladders of released fish.


PIRU--Trout are good for trollers fishing from the surface down to about four colors of lead core line. Some hold over rainbows to 2-0 showing. The best areas have been from the pumphouse to the dam, along the dam face, and down the middle of the lake. Some fish showing still fishing yellow Power Bait in Cow and Diablo coves. The action is very good on small bass and redear on nightcrawlers, but few bigger, keeper-sized fish are showing.

PYRAMID--The stripers bite is fair for anglers drifting anchovies or sardines in 15 to 35 feet of water in Brazos, Vaquero, or Yellowbar. Also some fish showing for trollers working three to five colors of leadcore and Kastmasters or bucktails around the island. Most of these fish are 1-0 to 3-0, but more bigger fish are showing. The bass bite is fair to good on plastics in 10 to 15 feet of water off the points. Catfish fair in the channel. Crappie showing in decent numbers around the marina on small jigs and meal worms.

PUDDINGSTONE--DFG catfish plants last week and three weeks ago. There was also a DFG trout plant two weeks ago. The bass bite is still fair to good, but fewer fish on cranks and more on plastics in deeper water.

EL CAPITAN--Pretty good bass action for anglers fishing spoons and jigs or plastics in deep water on the points. Top bass was a 4.8 pounder. Other species very slow.

SAN VICENTE--The trout action remains fair with the next plant slated for Dec. 7. Catfish are fair overall, but some real quality fish continue to be caught by the experienced catfish anglers. Bass are fair with fish to four pounds reported. Top cat was a 36.35-pound blue caught by Hal Ballard, San Diego.

MIRAMAR--Good trout action after a plant last week with Moe’s Hole the hotspot. Best rainbow was a 4-0 caught by Jimme Le, San Diego, on a spinner. Slow other species.


POWAY--Good action on trout with rainbow or yellow Power Bait or inflated nightcrawlers fished off the south shoreline. The lake received a 1,200-pound plant Monday. Other species mostly slow with only a few bass and cats showing.

CUYAMACA--There is a decent afternoon bite on the rainbow trout for anglers fishing inflated nightcrawlers or floating baits on a 2 1/2-foot leader at the Lone Pine Tree, Fox Hole, and MacGregor Cove. Trout Teasers the best artificial going.


The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

MARINA DEL REY--70 anglers (3 boats): 355 sculpin, 20 sand bass, 9 halibut, 1 lingcod, 25 red snapper.

REDONDO--44 anglers (1 boat): 1 sand bass, 18 sculpin, 1 sheephead, 2 whitefish, 150 rockfish.

SAN PEDRO (22nd St. Landing)--15 anglers (1 boat): 5 calico bass, 8 barracuda, 3 sand bass, 4 sculpin, 5 whitefish, 1 sheephead, 13 rockfish.


LONG BEACH (Los Alamitos Bay, Marina Sportfishing)--26 anglers (1 boat): 4 sculpin, 208 rockfish, 3 salmon grouper, 2 red snapper.
