
Appointees Sought for Advisory Council

City officials are searching for appointees to fill two seats on the Ojai Valley Municipal Advisory Council.

The seven-member council, which meets monthly, acts as an advisory arm to the county Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors by providing recommendations on a range of community issues.

“This is a body that is given great weight by county government in the decisions they make,” said Steven Offerman, administrative assistant to Supervisor Susan Lacey.


Offerman added that being appointed to the advisory council is a good way for citizens to ensure that their voices are heard.

The vacancies are being created by the departures of council members Tom Jamison and Carl Flynn. After seven years on the advisory council, Jamison chose not to seek reelection and will complete his four-year term in December.

Because no one has filed candidacy papers for the seat, officials will use the appointment process to fill the post. Jamison has handled issues dealing with the commercial development of real estate in his area, which includes the valley west of the Ventura River, including Live Oaks Acres.


Flynn is leaving halfway through his term. His post covers the east Mira Monte area, where the issues range from deciding on how the California 33 corridor should look to where cellular antennas should be placed.

Flynn’s seat is scheduled to be filled in October.

Candidates must live in the area they serve.

For more information, call 654-2703.

The group’s next meeting is Oct. 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Oak View Community Center, 18 Valley Drive.
