
Real Meaning of ‘Skecher’ Won’t Please Parents

It was with some amusement that I read Debora Vrana’s “Skechers Shoes Takes Next Big Step With Planned IPO” [“California Dealin’,” Aug. 17].

What amused me, and in fact made me laugh out loud, was Vrana’s definition of the word “skecher” as “an energetic person who can’t sit still.” Well, there is more than a grain of truth to this definition; however, it hardly does justice to the true origin and street meaning of the term.

I worked professionally for several years with teenagers on probation. These teens were involved in all facets of lawlessness and of course were well-versed in street and drug lingo. “Skecher” was always used to describe someone who was habitually high on methamphetamine. “Skeching” is the term used to describe the actions of someone who is high on methamphetamine. This person could be described as “an energetic person who can’t sit still.”


I wonder if the founder of this footwear company knew of the true origin of the term. In any event, it won’t hurt sales to the target age group of 12- to 25-year-olds.

Although I am staunchly against prohibition of any kind, I would never let a child of mine don a pair of shoes that read “Stoners,” “Lushes” or, for that matter, “Skecher.” Parents, wake up!


